Lil’ GuardsmanLil’ Guardsman(小卫兵)

In this deduction adventure, you play as Lil – an unlikely 12-year-old hero – covering your dad’s shift at the guard shed and are tasked with deciding the fate of over 100 unique characters.

You will question humans, elves, goblins, cyclopses, and other fantasy creatures using your powers of deduction to determine who to admit or deny based on how they respond to your questions and your trusty tools. Sending visitors to jail, inadvertently zapping them to smithereens, or letting them go on their merry way are all part of the job. But be careful: who you let through the castle gates will determine the kingdom’s fate.


• Fantasy/Comedy Narrative: See the Sprawl and its fantastical & quirky citizens through a royal wedding to one of two kingdoms vying for an alliance, and a subsequent siege by whoever you’ve angered in the process. Your decisions can determine the fate of the city and its people!
• 奇幻/喜剧叙事:通过与争夺联盟的两个王国之一的皇室婚礼,以及随后被你在此过程中激怒的人围攻,看到蔓延及其奇幻和古怪的公民。你的决定可以决定城市及其人民的命运!
• Interrogation Puzzles: Interrogate 100+ fully voiced characters in just the right way to earn a perfect score.
• 审讯谜题:以正确的方式审问 100+ 全配音角色,以获得满分。
• Tools of the trade: Spend your hard earned gold wisely on powering up your guardsman toolkit, and strategically deploy these to admit or deny the right people or…goblins?
• 交易工具:明智地将您辛苦赚来的金币用于增强您的卫兵工具包,并战略性地部署这些工具以接纳或拒绝合适的人或……妖精?
• Rewind Time: Use your trusty Chronometer3000 to go back and get a higher score… but be careful not to break space and time in the process.
• 倒带时间:使用您值得信赖的 Chronometer3000 返回并获得更高的分数……但要注意不要在这个过程中破坏空间和时间。

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KMGAME资源网 » Lil’ GuardsmanLil’ Guardsman(小卫兵)


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